Tuesday, 28 August 2012


From Summer '66 to Autumn '67
Mum's life could be described as virtually heaven.

But Mum didn't choose an easy time,
(I meant to say life, but couldn't find a rhyme.)

I think you'll agree she's the opposite of sloven...
Lea...ding on friendships with "stick another potato in the oven."

With Dad however life was always going to be fun,
They showed us how to make two go into one.

I am proud to have given my mother her career,
Prompted by exasperation at my spelling I fear.

I've see Mum in a mini, in a mini, and with a bee hive,
She's also with three cabbage leaves and an onion, kept us alive.

King Knut couldn't hold back the tide, try as he might,
But my mother's kept at bay the dread Cabbage White.

Please excuse this rendition as it's only a tease,
As my mother knows, it's written in strict journalise.