Monday 28 December 2020

The Problem of Charity, and everything else.

Jacob Rees-Mogg blasts UNICEF by saying the introduction of breakfast packs to support South London children  is a bit of unwelcome politicking.  "Spend charitable money on starving children", he says.

 Liz Truss (Equalities Minister) is dismissive of 'Unconscious Bias Training'.  She has not suggested a alternative.  She see this training as part of an ideological conspiracy against 'right wing' politics.  In a lecture entitled 'Fight for Fairness', she argued that her childhood education was dominated by teaching on racism and equality rather than reading and writing.  It didn't go so badly for her.  But she is also right about the politics.   She is touching on a logic that will not stop, and it includes the whole government brief.  

These are my thoughts:

With the mention of Michel Foucault, the chattering classes (including me) dive for the e-encyclopedia of their choice.  Foucault surely explains why 'Unconscious Bias Training' is not enough in itself.   The powerful status quo of international societal beliefs, assumptions and expected behaviours are more that individuals can change.  Two things are required.  The desire for change, and a consensus for change.  Normally change is motivated by a crisis.  There are exceptions, such as equality and protection offered to LGBT people.  (I use the word offered, because it can be taken away.)

Change in crisis can be for good and bad.  Much of what we see around us is the way it is, because it suits people for it to be the way it is.   Poverty, inequality, sexism, and  even long NHS waiting lists.  We are experience this with the Covid19 crisis, were virtually every country is following the same programme, with the idea that questioning current practice is dangerous and subversive.   The idea of challenging current beliefs and expectations is not easy.  But this is also true on a vast number of issues.

1) The capitalist system rewards the powerful and privileged  It extenuates division including that by race, gender and disability.  My daughter was amused to receive a £10 Christmas bonus on her disability benefits.  I stuck me that this gesture probably cost the public purse millions.  Most employer would know that doing this would be ridiculed by their middle class work force.  

2) Discovering and exposing inequality is much harder than it might seem.  We are not able to see the 'wood for the trees'.  It is easy for us to look back at past societies and clearly see the errors they apparently could not see for themselves.  This privilege will be past to our children's children.  The greatest inequalities are recorded in national charts of  'age of average death', income distribution, and child labour.  These are all intensely political statistics.

2) Charity.  There is an irony that a rich country, through the use of 'soft power' may be transferring wealth to projects in poorer countries which add to the UK national debt.  But of course, the fact that the UK is allowed to have such a large national debt is the real story here.  Evan Davis, in his book 'Make in Britain: How the nation makes its living' (2011) explains that Britain is like a premiership footballer who with no savings at all, is given a mortgage of millions on the basis that his potential to pay back the loan is secure.  Banks loan to rich countries because they believe their investment is sound.

Charity is the transfer of a little bit of power to the powerless, enough to address the present discomfort and not threaten the status quo.  Any more would attract attention, and along would come the vampires of greed to take it away.  So we are locked in a the paradigm of 'the best of all possible world'.  The famous quote from Christian Aid's chief economist.  Question: "what is worse for a country than being exploited by a multinational corporation?  Answer: not being exploited by a multinational corporation."  

Unconscious bias awareness can help us recognises that 'sponsoring' children to attend school in far off countries is patronising.  We forget that we assume a right for our own children to attend school without some subservient contract with a rich donor.  Being obliged to send photo's, school reports and grateful Christmas/ (whatever festival is important to the donor) cards.  

'White Saviour' is the charge.  So what do we do?  We change the paradigm, and this it political.  We enter the world of human rights.  British society has already made this shift so that every person has a right to good quality health, housing, education, and financial support.  This is no longer questioned, though perhaps we can question whether is is 'good enough'.   This is how we know that 'Black Lives Matter', when we see the same principle applied across the world.   When we have got it right for the poorer countries, we can be sure that we have got it right across our own country.   

Thursday 24 December 2020

Advent Twenty Five

“Resurrección de Cristo (The Resurrection) fresco
 1463 Piero della Francesca, Sansepolcro, Italy
Now for the rest of life 

After a while things quietened down.

Seven of us, the fishing fraternity, decided to do something.

Money was getting tight, so we pushed out the boat.

That wasn't the only thing that was tight.

The fish didn't want to be caught.


At day break we were all for giving up.

There on the beach was a lone man.

 He seemed friendly and asked how we were doing.

"Nothing of interest here", we called back.

 "Throw the nets over on the other side", he returned.

We could hear him clearly on the off-shore breeze.

We're pretty much experts, but 'nothing ventured, nothing gained'.

The nets immediately hit a shoal.  Latter I heard we had picked up 153 fish.


Now that was quite a miracle, and it got us thinking.

Must be Jesus on the shore.

"I can't wait to meet him," said Peter.

Typical Peter, he stripped off and was overboard in a second.

 By the time we'd got the nets in the boat, and made our way up onto the beach,

Jesus and Peter were by a small barbecue grilling fish.


We all sat in a circle, like we'd done so many times before.

Jesus looked up to heaven and asked for the creator’s blessing.

He then broke the fish into pieces and passed it to us.

We felt alive again.  Food, and his presence.

A perfect combination.


After we'd finished a wonderful thing happened.

Jesus turned to Peter.

Peter had been beating himself up over his betrayal of Jesus.

Jesus made it clear, repeating three times

that he knew Peter's faith and love was rock solid.


Then he asked Peter to lead us in pastoring 'his' people,

The people he was now leaving.

This, then, was to be our future.


Of course Jesus said and did far more than I can record in these few feeble words.


He even hinted to Peter that I might live for ever, until he returns.

Wow, that got everyone talking.  I promise I'll tell you if it happens.


Watch this space.

Choose to live - every day

It’s the morning after.  Life is on a roller coaster of emotions.  There are highs and lows.  How we get through the lows is often the greatest test of character.  Jesus friend returned to their old ways.  These were good ways, but they reflected on how central Jesus had been to the movement.  Without Jesus, the whole thing seemed to peter out (no pun intended).

This might be the case for me, when a significant person dies, or moves away.  I can find that the inspiration has gone.  Like the friends of Jesus, do I forget that Jesus is with me.  They hear his voice- ‘try the other side’.  Like many before them they may have thought ‘stupid advice’, ‘don’t we know what we are doing’.  Or ‘that’s too simple’.  But the friends do follow the advice, and my goodness, the timing is perfect.  Many of the miraculous things that happen around Jesus are purely to do with timing.  A large shoal could have been swimming that way, perhaps corralled by some predator.  So often it is the perfect and extraordinary timing of events that gives evidence to Jesus presence with us.  Might be a coincidence, but it might not be.

Once again the friends gather round Jesus as he provides them with breakfast.  Fish not bread, but again they are reminded that our needs are provided for by the Creator.  And this is for the whole person.  Our greatest need is to live by more than just food and drink.  We need life sustaining relationships that are not temporary, but for ever.

Jesus knew that Peter was suffering because he had denied that he was a friend of his.  Jesus knew that this was from Peter’s deep fears.  Jesus made it very clear to Peter that not only was he forgiven, but that he was promoted to be one of the ones to prevent the movement stalling.  Jesus was passing the baton over to his friends.  He does this with me to, as I am able.  As my fear is overcome.  As I have the strength to meet the challenge, even to the point of death.

Watch this space.

PRAYER I am ready to do all that you have for me to do.  Forgive me for my fear.  Fill me with your Spirit of truth and courage.  I love you.

Wednesday 23 December 2020

Advent Twenty Four


The Incredulity of Saint Thomas by Caravaggio
Sanssouci Picture Gallery, Potsdam, Germany 


That Sunday evening, a group of us, Jesus' friends gathered together secretly, securely bolting the door.

Then Jesus was with us. 

“Shalom,” he said.  What a powerful surge of joy filled that place.  We all started talking at once.  Words became meaningless.  All eyes were fixed on him.

"Shalom, the Creator’s purpose is fulfilled, and I am now passing it to you."

And he breathed on us.

"Receive my presence in your life so that we can never be separated.  You will know who is to be forgiven, and who does not deserve it."


 What a shame Thomas was not there.  He missed out. Thomas is the sort of guy who needs proof for everything. He's a scientist, 'seeing is believing'.

A week later, and we were meeting again.  Again Jesus was with us, and this time we all looked across to Thomas.  He made a shy smile.  He got up and walked over towards Jesus.

Jesus embraced him, and showed him his wounded body.

"Now you believe?" said Jesus.

With faltering voice Thomas conceded,

"My saviour and my liberator."

"You 'see' and have physical proof.  What about those who cannot see me, and yet believe?"


  After his return, Jesus did many other things that I have not recorded here.  I have chosen these stories so that you may believe that Jesus came from the creator, that he was the one foretold, and that through knowing him, you too will have life in his name.

The End of the Beginning

The men did not meet Jesus on that first day.  They had to make do with just seeing the evidence.  The believers were gathered behind lock doors.  Fear was in the streets.  But these lock doors also show that Jesus is now not constrained by human limitations.  He is there in their midst.  Jesus says ‘Shalom’, which means hello.  It also means Peace.  If you had to choose one word to sum up the events of Jesus life on earth, surely it is this word.  Jesus gives us peace with our Creator, and also with each other, and with ourselves. 

Do we not all relate to Thomas the pragmatist, the scientist, the devotee of evidence based practice? And I agree with him.  The evidence needs to be secure and reliable.  Jesus notes that he is one of the lucky ones.  He was able to touch Jesus’ body.  Subsequently our evidence of Jesus reliability is based on the evidence of different senses.  This evidence for me is 100 times more secure than any other evidence anyone else can find to believe in anything else. It is the evidence that we are loved.

PRAYER  May I have a sure and firm foundation in my life.

Tuesday 22 December 2020

Advent Twenty Three

16th century Dutch tapestry
5th Ave Art Gallery, New York
Metropolitan Museum
Magda was in the street crying.  She looked back into the building and saw two people seated behind the reception desk. They called out to her.

 "What's upsetting you?"

 "The body of my dearest friend, has been taken, and I don't know where."

 A man was approaching her in the street. In vain she called out to him.

 "Do you know where he has been taken?" The man stopped and held out his arms.


 She looked up, her eyes rising to his.

 "Padre!" she called out. She raced towards him; the briefest contact.

 "I'm not huggable yet," he smiled. "I'm here for now, but soon I will be returning to the Creator. Go and tell all our friends that I am alive."

 Wrenching herself away, she held this duty tight.

 "I have seen our Lord. That's why there is no body. He is alive." Gasping, she explained everything that had happened.

When despair turns to joy in an instant

Two people are there for Mary as she weeps.  These are the people sent to prepare her for a great surprise.  Everything has been beautifully thought out.  The ‘people’ (what the bible calls angels) are gentle and kind.  They remind Mary that Jesus always said he would not remain dead.  We are so set in the ways of this predictable and repetitive world, it is extremely difficult to connect heart with mind; what we have heard with what we believe.  Separation and reunions are said to be the most vulnerable parts of any relationship.  They are times of mixed emotion.  Times of joy, happiness, but also anger, helplessness and worry.  Jesus returns to Mary first.  It is simple.  They are not really allowed to touch.  What would that touch have been like?  I remember the story of the old woman who stretched out her hand and touched Jesus coat as he brushed past.  Touch is essential in the message of love.  Jesus and Mary hugged despite the rules. 

PRAYER  I need your comfort Jesus.  I need to know you are beside me. 

Monday 21 December 2020

Advent Twenty Two

Emptiness by Rene Klotzer 
For sale at Saatchi Art

 Sunday Morning

As Sunday approached, Magda left the house in search of Jesus.  

She wasn't sure what to do, but thought she would try her luck at the mortuary.

When she got there, she found the doors open, and not a soul about.


The smell of disinfectant and rancid fat pervaded the gloom.

At last she found the refrigerated store.

Drawers the size of bodies lined the room from floor to ceiling.

On the far side, one drawer had been left open.

It was empty.  She let out a short scream.

There was the certificate of death that had been tied to Jesus’ foot.


Magda fled and ran back to find her friends.

She soon bumped into Peter and John who were coming towards her.

"The body’s gone!" she blurted out, as white as a sheet.

In an instant Peter and John took off.

They sprinted past Magda towards the mortuary.


John got there first and crashed in through the doors.

He found the empty drawer.

Rifling through emptiness,

Only Jesus' clothing and other bits remained.

"Madga's right, the body has been taken," acknowledged Peter.

"But where?"

It hadn't clicked that Jesus had told them already what to expect.

"No point in staying here."



Death and its finality lie heavy on the heart.  It is as if there is a great thought sprawled over your consciousness and everywhere you go or everything you do, it is there.  It’s worse when the death is unexplained, or a terrible, avoidable, injustice.  For Mary Magdalene, at least they knew where the body was.  People talk about ‘closure’ when a body has been recovered.  Something about the ‘relic’ is important in tidying up the mind.  When the body is missing there is panic.  The torture can continue with the further desecration of the body, or it use as an object of ridicule.  Mary and the friends must have felt so helpless.  The authorities were in control and Mary showed great courage attempting to come to the body to mourn at all.  I think that in all funerals it is important to physically feel the pain, the physical pain expressed in our bodies, and to howl and weep.  It is the right thing to do. 

PRAYER  I can look injustice and corruption in the face and know that it is not missed by you.  Though I feel helpless, you have authority over all things.  I feel the pain of a damaged world, as you do.

Sunday 20 December 2020

Advent Twenty One

 Never Live It Down

 It's a rare sight to see someone die in public.

It induces an evil, seductive fascination.

A state that can only be achieved with company. 

A 'what are they doing here?' innocence.


In prolonged agony Jesus called out in thirst.

Not a request, but wine was stuck in his face.

A strange action for a man who was drying up.


When the bodies of those men were lowered,

Jesus had been dead for some time.  

The other victims were a tangled mess,

Jesus’ body was strangely complete.  

Pierced with a blade, pied-blood flowed from his side.


Friends, Joseph and Nicodemus discussed what to do.

The Judge was keen to get this aberration tidied up.

"Yes please, do dispose of the body."

"I agree it should never have happened this way."

"We'll never live this one down."


"My family has recently purchased a tomb.

It's nearby, let's put his body there."

"I brought the embalming kit."

"Act quickly, the whole city is closing for the holiday."


    Jesus body is treated with respect  

People continue to love him

There is some discussion who Joseph of Arimathea might have been.  Does Arimathea exist?  Death is also definitive and final.  It is like BC and AD.  It defines time.  After the event, everything seems different.  So many movements end with the death of their founder.  Who is able to replace a charismatic leader?  We see this as an end of an era.  But in this story death is necessary.  It is also not final.  In the story the Creator tells humanity that if they eat the fruit of the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil, that day they will surely die.  People notice that as the story continues this does not appear to happen.  We know that there is a death in the relationship between the Creator and humanity.  We know that Jesus death was this death that was warned.  The death sentence is taken on by the Creator.  It’s like the father who allows the son or daughter to drive.  Their child messes up and smashes the car.  The father pays because the children cannot.  The father offered them the use of the car, and understands that with that freedom comes the risk that something will happen.  Sure enough, it happens. 

PRAYER  I now have the potential to live with the same closeness and intimacy of Adam and Eve, walking with you in the garden.  May my bond be that strong with you, my Creator and savour.

Saturday 19 December 2020

Advent Twenty

The Yellow Crucifixion by Marc Chagall
Centre Pompidou - Paris

Hope of the Nations

"Right, you're coming with me sonny Jim."

Jesus had been led into a notorious building in the centre of town, a building with no windows.

"We are going to the top floor, so you might as well help."  The burly officer passed Jesus a pile of cabling.  He tried to see if Jesus could carry the battery pack too, but his strength seemed already to be failing.

Outside a crowd was gathering.  Brutality was in the air.

TV crews had been instructed to entitle all news bulletins: 'Jesus - Hope of the Nations'. 

There was international interest in this story.

The police chief pointed out the inaccuracy.

"Don't say 'Hope of the Nations', say, 'He thought he was Hope of the Nations'."

"Too late mate," smiled our Australian correspondent.

The crowd was becoming increasingly agitated. 

"What you doing in there? Show us the body!"

Then electricity struck.  Three naked bodies could be seen on the roof.  They were being strung-up, on flag poles, Jesus was in the middle.

A sickening scene of triumph, a stinking odour of evil, spreading through the throng.

The officers drew lots to see who would get Jesus' private possessions - quite a nice mobile phone someone had given him.

Little did they know that what they were doing had been foretold in the book of Psalms chapter 22 vs 18.

There were also people who loved Jesus there too.  They strained to see Jesus’ swaying body. Peter grabbed hold of Jesus' mother's hand. 

“He is telling me that from now on we stick together.”

The enormity of the tragedy that has unfolded.  

Never let it happen again.  It can’t

None of this makes sense; like matter and antimatter.  It’s probably happened in every city.  A miscarriage of justice.  Freedom to commit atrocities, and for some reason, the evil inclination to take advantage.  The crowd, with a mind and spirit of its own.  The consequence to be dealt with latter.  If this story is true, the Holy Creator of all has come and visited this vile, perverted corner of the world.  The Roman cruelty combined with a spiritual deadness.  Yet all of this was known from the first day of creation; what was to come.  The potential for tremendous evil was built into the design from the start.  Where there is freedom, there is abuse of freedom.  Where there is power there is abuse of power.  Jesus, like all the messengers and wise teachers who came before, comes with a similar frail soft body that is broken.  We are told that to live we must take a piece of this body, and eat it, live on it, be sustained by it.  In eating we are tasting his suffering, and open ourselves to this suffering, because we have to be prepared to take this route, if we have to.  Many do. 

PRAYER  May I have your life within me to the extent that I am fully confident that I can follow the path you lead me on, and live.

Friday 18 December 2020

Advent Nineteen

Pilate washing his hands Jan Lievens
Museum den Lakenhal - Leiden

I Give Up

Weary and wary, the judge knew from instinct that this case was far more complex than viewed at first sight. There was going to be no easy way out. Some petty issues are intractable. This was a part of the job he hated.

“I'll have him humiliated.  The shame will render him harmless.  See if that pacifies these bullies,” he thought.

The judge instructed some young officers to play around.  They put a bag on Jesus head, hit him with sticks, experimented with electricity and water.  That should do the trick.  See if the Chief is happy now.

But by now the Chief Officer and his cronies were having none of it.  Their zeal was sharper than ever.

"We'll make a complaint."

"You're not taking the risk seriously."

"You'll have blood on your hands."

"The Secretary of State will hear of this."

The mood was turning nasty.  How to de-escalate?  The judge turned to Jesus. 

"What have you done to these people?  If I'm going to get you off, you are going to have to help me."

"You would have no power over me unless it were not given to you from above.  Your part in this is less that these others. They know what they are doing", Jesus replied.

“In all my life I have never been in a spot like this,” thought the judge.  “I've really got to save this man.  He's done nothing wrong.”

He turned again to the Chief of Police but before he could say anything, the chief interrupted.

"We've had enough, Judge. We're not going to be responsible for the mayhem that you're creating."

"Look I'll tell you what", argued the judge, "you can take him and do what you like.  And I've not said that. OK?"

Time had passed.  It was now about midday.

 Jesus is executed in public

This is another bit of X-rated bible.  Tragically these scenes are not uncommon around the world.  When violent and violated ‘men’ (particularly it seems) have complete power over another, the desire to torture emerges.  The judge is presented with ‘Check Mate’.  He either goes with the crowd, and against his conscience, or is just, and risks being involved in ‘inciting a riot’.  This is again, an everyday challenge that affects all walks of life.  Are we prepared to stand up for what we believe to be right?  But what if that in itself leads to misery and injustice.  This is why we need the wisdom of our Creator. 

PRAYER Give me wisdom to know what is just and fair, and to use the power I am given wisely.

Thursday 17 December 2020

Advent Eighteen

Part of the Karlsruhe Passion -
This one is housed in the Wallraf-Richartz Museum Cologne

The story is now set in contemporary America.  And so everything came to a final climax.  The authorities made their move.  With a tip off from Judas Jesus was found and arrested.  I was there. This is the account of what happened. 


Later that evening Jesus went with his people over to Kidron Valley, and loitered in the public park.  Judas, the 'grass', knew the place well.

A line of police cars slowly snaked their way through the gates of the park, lights blazing.

Jesus knew exactly what was happening.

He stood up and walked towards the officers.

They were climbing out of their cars, guns at the ready.

 "Who are you looking for?" He called out to them.

 "A guy named Jesus," they shouted back.

 "Well that's me."  He could see Judas in the passenger seat of a car.

When he said ‘that's me’, the offices started back, as if by reflex, ducking behind their vehicles.  Jesus looked bemused.

 "Who was it you wanted?"

 "Jesus from Nazareth," they said again.

 "Why that's me," he said with firmness.  "None of these other guys are involved, let them go peacefully."  (He wanted to protect his friends.)

But Simon-Peter, who had taken cover, fired the first shot.  He hit a driver in the right ear.

Jesus was upset. 

 "Put that gun down Peter.  Don't you see I have to go through with this?"

 Then the police rushed forward and pushed Jesus to the ground, handcuffed him, and marched him off to the station, first to Deputy Ananias, and then to his big boss, Caiaphas.  He was the one who had advised ‘Stitch this guy in time and you’ll save nine'.

 Jesus is eventually caught and brought in for questioning

This is an extraordinary story.  Jesus had seen the whole movie before and knew how it ended.  That gave him a distinct advantage over everyone else.  “I’m not giving up without a fight, even if it is a lost cause.”  Such bravery from Simon-Peter.  Jesus is showing that the way to win this battle is not to fight. 

PRAYER – Give me your perspective so that I can see how to fight injustice by not fighting in a physical sense. 

Wednesday 16 December 2020

Advent Seventeen

Black Boy Joy by Kadir Nelson

Comes With Joy

"Ok, I'll spell it out again.  I'm warning you that soon I will leave you, and it will be awful.  You will be devastated (though others may be pleased).  However, I will return in joy…"

 "…It's going to be like when a mother gives birth.  She knows the process will be extremely painful, but it will be worthwhile, because the baby comes with joy…

 "…When I come back from the Creator, you will have all you need, and the joy will take this present suffering away…"

 "…Then you will ask in my name; but there will be no need, because you will ask the creator directly.  It will be the same thing.  I am simply going back to my origin with the creator…"

 "We are slowly getting it", reassured Jesus’ friends. "You and the Creator are one."

 "Yes, you are believing me. Look, soon you are all going to be dispersed, and you will leave me alone.  But I won't be alone, because I am one with the Creator."

 "I'm telling you this to prepare you, so that it won't come as a shock, and trouble you. Be encouraged.  All things are to be set right.”

Where Jesus continues to explain how challenging

 life will be, but this has always been the plan

It is argued that from day one in the stories recorded in the bible, when things started to contaminate and corrode the precious relationship between the Creator and humanity, a plan was set in motion to bring resolution.  The answer was going to come from within humanity itself, what the bible calls ‘a second Adam’.  In many cultures Adam is described as the first man.  Why not a woman?  One reason might be that Jesus came as a man.  Gender is clearly immaterial because Jesus lived a life that did not fit with male stereotypes.  He was not ‘powerful’ and did not have a job or house.  He had no family, and was very vulnerable.  Throughout the bible story there are stories where the line of Jesus is nearly stamped out.  It’s a fragile existence, and we read how close Jesus was to being murders even before the cross.  Jesus talks to the Creator.  Jesus is discussing the fruition of the great plan to ‘restore the balance in the Universe’.  This is power though the bonds of love.  Just like a baby and its mother.  This vital link that keeps us alive is being restored.

PRAYER – I have the ability to live as we did in the Garden of Eden (Story of Creation).  Let me live it now.

Tuesday 15 December 2020

Advent Sixteen

Hai Cyclamens by Moshe Gershuni
The Isael Museum Project Behold the Man.

 The Advocate

“I have to be honest, and warn you.

To follow me is to expect a hard life.  People will kick you out of the mainstream. 

Some will think they are doing the right thing if they kill you…” 

 “…Now you are looking upset…”

 “…Remember what I said.  I have to go in order that you can have 'the Advocate'.  With my presence in you, this wrong will not win.  Many can't believe that righteousness will prevail.  But I'm telling you, it will.  Justice will be done…” 

 “…I could say so much more, but no need, because when you receive my presence, the adventure will continue.  You will discover so much more, and it will all be direct from the creator…”

 “…The creator, my life now, and the advocate, (my presence in your life), all perfectly match.  We are the same.”  


This is where Jesus says that when he leaves them, 

he will never leave them

I heard of a person who cautioned people about following Jesus.  “It will be a hard life.  It’s not easy; it’s challenging.  Think hard before you do anything.”  But we read he was quoting Jesus himself.  Many people will oppose you.  In some countries death is a real prospect.  In others it will be discrimination.  Followers of Jesus have a list of priorities, and although staying alive is high up there, it’s not at the top. 

What we are offered is the gift that goes with choosing to be a follower.  It’s like a job that comes with a car.  This is more than a car; it’s the presence of the boss with us, sharing the load all the time. 

PRAYER – Thank you for giving me the strength to live as you lived, even to the point of losing my life.

Monday 14 December 2020

Advent Fifteen

For No Reason

“Look, if you follow me you are likely to bump into a lot of people who are traveling in the opposite direction, and they are not going to like it!  That's what happened to me, so don't be surprised.  The worker follows what his/her boss says, so don't take it personally.  If others travel with you, then they are following me also, though they may not realise it.  Those who know me should know how serious this is.  They know that this is part of the creator's design.  Now choosing not to follow when you have seen wonders, that's unforgivable. It's sad, but we were warned, ‘They hated me for no reason’*.  Remember, my presence is going to be in you, so the way of truth will be clear.  Your actions will reveal my presence.”

*Quote from the book of Psalms chapter 35, verse 19.  Repeated in chapter 69, verse 4 (The Bible)

Jesus uses pictures to help us see where our 

life source comes from

Why live?  What is the purpose?  May people have concluded that this question takes you off on a fruitless circle.  Some will say ‘it’s the age old question.  There is no purpose.’  What is the purpose for the vine?  We are designed to produce fruit, and do it naturally.  There is a joy and delight in picking fruit, in pulling up the vegetables you have grown.  It’s the same in our lives when good things happen.  When we are grafted onto the vine that provides the sap of Jesus’ life, we will produce fruit.  Let me stay connected to the vine.

PRAYER – You are the vine, and we are the branches.  I receive your nourishment today.

Sunday 13 December 2020

Advent Fourteen

Christ and the Apostles - George Rouault 
Metropolitan Museum of Art

 We are trying our best to work out what Jesus means.  It ain’t half confusing and I hope you don’t blame us when we get the wrong end of the stick.  How would you do if you were in our place?

 "Just say that again"

Jesus:  Hey, don't let yourselves be glum!  You know the Creator of all things, and you trust me! Where I am going is a wonderful place. I'll make sure that there's provision for everyone. I'm not leading you on, I'm serious.  And you know exactly how to get there.

Thomas:  Ah, that's the problem we haven't a clue.  Just tell us again.

Jesus: It's me.  Follow me, and you will get there.  I bring you into complete truth, and life as it's designed to be lived.  If you know me, you know the creator of all.  So just think, you've now actually met your Creator!

 Philip:  Yes, that's the bit we need.  Just show us the Creator.

 Jesus:  Look at me Philip, Look.  How do you think I have been able to speak with such authority, and do the wonderful things you have seen happen?  I'm not some crazy magician.  It's the creator inside me.  We are one together.  What's more, we can be inside you too, and you will continue to see amazing things happen. Your lives will bring us both glory and honour.  Ask for anything in my name, we are with you, just think of that! 

Where Jesus tries to explain what is about to happen, 

and how to make sense of it

“Don’t Panic!” – Words to strike terror into the most stable mind.  Jesus tells his friends clearly about what is about to happen, but they are refusing to take it in.  “Do not be troubled”, he says.  Words alone are not enough.  The Jesus says he leaves us a gift.  This gift is ‘Peace of Mind and Heart’.  Have you received this gift?  You know you have when impossible situations arise, and you feel peace.  This is not something you drum up, with prayer and meditation; you recognise that you have it.  It is a gift. 

PRAYER – Thank you Jesus for your most precious gift.  It is my most treasured possession.

Saturday 12 December 2020

Advent Thirteen

Ford Madox Brown- The Tate Collection
 In a moment of privacy Jesus and his friends share the festival meal together.  It is clear that Jesus has a lot to say.  It’s also in his actions.  This is Peter’s take on what is going on.  Peter challenges Jesus…

No Shit!

"Put those down this instant!"

"Now stop protesting.  You've had a hard day.  I can see you're stressed.  We keep hearing that you're leaving us, that this is going to be our last get together.  So come and relax, we're celebrating."

He'd managed to slip out and begun the disgusting task of cleaning the dog shit off our shoes.  I wasn't going to be able to stop him.  I know he loves us all, and this is the way he shows it, but he said it was much more than that.  According to him, the dirt he was cleaning was on the inside. If I didn't let him clean me up, we couldn't actually be friends. 

"Right," I said. "I'm stripping." 

“No, not so extreme”, he laughed. He's come to clean up the shit we get ourselves into.  Actions speak louder than words.  We have to let him finish what he has started.

When he was done he made the point.  Here's the message.  He's been our guide, our mentor.  But the students are not greater than their teacher, and the ones delivering the message are not greater than the message giver.  So we too should serve others.  Copy him.  It's the way to be.


Where Jesus friends begin to realise that Jesus needs to clean

 them up in extraordinary ways

All this is happening before the storm.  Jesus knows that he has just hours with his friends before he will be killed.  It is as if he is working out what they really need.  Actions speak louder than words.  They are amazed that he stoops down and washes their feet.  This is a servant’s job.  Everyone would expect someone else to do it.  Peter’s discomfort, this is the realisation that I am dependent of Jesus’ suffering and humiliation to survive.  Without the act of suffering I remain dirty. 

The tradition of being submerged under water, and coming up (or whatever symbolic variant is used) is like a marriage ceremony.  It is a vow to ‘be washed clean, and to remain washed clean’.  It is a vow, for better, worse, richer, poorer, sickness and in health, to follow Jesus.

This is why we remember this act with a symbolic Passover meal, even though the thought of the execution is repulsive.  It is a brutal, uncivilised, 'not fit for children', event.  But we must never allow to become sanitised.  We are the fortunate ones who have heard, understood and been changed.

PRAYER – I need you every day.  I need to be clean inside and out.  I need to know your selfless love.