Tuesday 19 April 2022

How Religion Evolved


New Book- How Religion Evolved, and why it endures. published 7th April 2022.  By Robin Dunbar- A pelican Book. 

My ears pricked up when Dunbar's new book on this subject was recently discussed on the radio.  It is a topic I find interesting at many level, and was part of a course I did at university called Ethology.

Ethology, or the study of the evolution of the brain, starts of course many millions of years ago with animal behaviour.  How much to animals feel? Elephants are seen to return to visit dead members of their group and caress the corpse.  It is felt that they show sadness and mourning.  Chimpanzees appear to enjoy the presence of a beautiful sunset.  Are these early signs of the metaphysical?

Early signs of religion are seen to burial practices of prehistoric humanoids.  

Evolutionary Psychology posits that 'religion' developed along with an awareness and appreciation of time.  

Important questions here are:-

1) Did the development of religion actually stimulate the necessity for language?

2) Is a sense of a greater being an 'innate' human characteristic (the so called 'God Gene' theory).

3) Are some people more predisposed to belief than others?

Karl Popper's term for the development of 'fact' from belief is verisilitude. Ironically much of modern evolutionary theory now falls into this category, as the theory of evolution moves from 'theory' to fact.

With the power of hindsight, many strongly held believes, (considered facts at the time) have be consigned to  history.  Examples are the use of 'blood-letting' which was universally practiced in Europe, linked to the theory of bodily humours, and now given almost zero credence.  Another is the theory of Male Supremacy, where it was almost universally believed across Europe that men were stronger in every respect than women.  This is largely now completely discredited.  A third is the belief in Europe's right to dominate the world.  This was believed to be legitimated and sanctioned by God.   It is now seen as a complete abuse of power.  At the time, the vast majority of people in Europe would have not seen any contradiction to these theories, and indeed, argued that these beliefs were common sense 'fact'.

The development of 'religion' is understood to be pragmatic and functional in that it creates a sense of shared identity.  It helps to define a community and stimulates bonds of unity, and separateness.  This can be helpful in the context of survival.  The belief in the afterlife also can free people from the fear of death (or conversely enforce compliance through the fear of death). Freedom from fear of death enables people to do incredible things, and take great risks, which can help with the development of technology.  For example, in the creation of flying machines.

Much of evolutionary theory of  religion sees the development of religion as a necessary part of answering 'unanswerable questions, such as  where did we come from', are we alone? what is our destiny? is this it? (still relevant questions today?).  Feuerbach understood religion as a projection of the collective wonder, unknowing, and desire for goodness from the inner psyche, out to a collective shared understanding of the greater good.  This is defined by the systemic interaction between the individual and the community.  Difference can threaten the coherence of whole, and needs it's own explanation.

However, my thought, when listening to the Dunbar speak, a Oxford don, is that there is a fundamental difference theorising about Religion and the nature of God when you claim to have a relationship with the Creator.  From this perspective everything has a slightly different perspective.  As I have remarked before, it reminds me of the metaphor of 'water'.  The knowledge we have currently about the nature of water molecules, and the forces that hold them together concludes that the water phase should not exist under normal pressures and temperatures.  But we know it does, so we must start from this 'fact'.  

For me, believing that my relationship with 'The Creator' is a reality means that all theory must be seen from this perspective.  Recently we visited a Oxford college and walked around the ancient quads.  There were signs telling us where only members could enter.  I thought of Dunbar.  His perspective on Oxford University must be different from mine.  I look on it as an outsider.  There will be a lot we agree on.  As an insider, he may also challenge my outsiders observations. 

Saturday 16 April 2022

Easter Day


Abstract Opposites TriDigital Art
For Sale

You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die.  But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  Romans 5:6-8

How many things happen every day that are purely an act of love that I do not notice.  Most behaviour is part of an interaction.  I want my loved one to see the sacrifice I've made for them.  Greater than this are the sacrifices made that are not seen or understood.  I washed the bird muck off my wife's car.  What if she does not notice?

Peter Kropotkin, the Russian naturalist and philosopher did many studies of how animals act selflessly for one another.  This natural philosophy he saw this as a counter to the selfish individualism of interpretations of Darwin the capitalist West.  

Jesus' behaviour however, as clearly explained in Paul's letter to the Roman Church, shows that true love does not count the cost.  What if there is nothing to be gained for me, not even for my group?

As John Powel (Unconditional Love, 1978) says, the 'life principle' Jesus offers us is to walk in the opposite direction from all other 'life principles', power (from Adler), pleasure (from Freud) and diminished responsibility (Skinner).  

Jesus helps us to turn about and walk in this opposite direction straight into the face of common sense.  No wonder we keep bumping into people.

PRAYER:  As I turn about, I see the light, and realise that it comes straight from you.  And I walk towards this blinding light.

Friday 15 April 2022

Holy Saturday - Lent 40


"Joy of the Righteous in the lord at the Threshold of Paradise."
By Victor Vasnetsov, in the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.
Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

Romans 5:1-5
From 1884 to 1889 Victor Vasnetsov the Russian artist, worked on painting frescos in St Vladimir's Cathedral Kiev.  I tried to see if the painting can be seen online, but there is a war going on in the Ukraine, and the Cathedral website is not working.  Vasnetsov's work was seen as radical for the time, because frescos are 'western'.  For me this symbolises how Jesus death has ripped up the rule book.  Humans are likely to have lived on the earth for 10,000s of years.  Organised religion as we know it has inhabited this space for a small section of it.  Only in todays world can almost half the population get access to vast resources of information.

I believe that Jesus is righteous, and all humanity is of equal importance to the Creator.  What is important now may look different from this perspective on time.

PRAYER:  You created us because you have the love a mother has for her baby.  As that 'baby', I adore you.

Thursday 14 April 2022

Good Friday - Lent 39


Album cover for the Grindcore Heavy Metal Band
Napalm Death.
əlahí əlahí ləmáh šəvaqtáni My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?
Psalm 22

This image is so troubling for me.  We know a lot about the picture of the naked children running with napalm burns, surrounded by photographers, taken at the height of the Vietnam war.  I was in two minds about using it because it is wrong.  

I read more about Napalm Death.  They formed in the 1980's in a village in the midlands of England.  The band says they stand for anarchism, humanism, socialism, and animal rights.  So they are not baby eating Satanists.  

Today is the day that the sewers spew forth their filth.  God, who created the potential for all evil and iniquitous things to occur, puts the check on things and pours bleach down the hole.

PRAYER:  I trust that you have resolved the problem of evil, and all is well.  

Wednesday 13 April 2022

Maundy Thursday - Lent 38


The Last Supper - Produced by Jesus Mafa.
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."

John 13:34
Maundy- from the Latin 'mandatum'.  If we were a modern commercial business, this would be the issue we would be 'performance managed' on.  'Love one another'.

The last meal together is communion.  It is physical, mental and spiritual.  It is a precious moment in time.  It is a coming together that we will look back on and wonder at.  It something that cannot be contrived.  It just happens, and we notice that it has with wonder.

Jesus Mafa was the creation of François Vidil, a French catholic priest in the 1970's who lived with the Mafa, or Mafahay people of Cameroon.  He had the gospel stories converted into pictures, much as medieval cathedrals were decorated to speak to their congregations.  This work has now spread round the world.

PRAYER:  As we meet to share our lives together, we obey your commandment, to love one another.

Tuesday 12 April 2022

Dark Wednesday - Lent 37


Judith beheading Holofernes
by Caravaggio, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica
at Palazzo Barberini, Roma.
The people who walk in darkness will see a great light.
For those who live in a land of deep darkness, a light will shine.
Isaiah 9:2
I chose Caravaggio's picture because it makes my stomach churn. 

Terrible things are happening.  (But they always have been.)  21 hours drive from London people are dying in Ukraine. (But dark things happen about us also.)  We read in Genesis that at the beginning of time 'darkness covered the earth'.  Our world in punctuated with the rhythm of light and darkness.  The evil stench of war appears to be a human constant.  Few countries have not been involved in war for more than one hundred years. (Switzerland's last official war was a civil war in 1847.)  With war comes a plethora of unspeakable evil.

Think of the young Russian soldiers finding themselves killing people they consider ethnic 'family'.  Think of the Ukraines killing young men who did not choose to fight.  Think of the 'men' separated from families at International borders, sent back to 'defend' their homeland.  

I know that in the greatest darkness there is always light.  The presence of God is there in the worst of places.   

Would I be able to kill?  

At first I think not.  I would volunteer to join the medical Corp.  But what if I saw a snipper killing people at random?  What if the snipper was killing children, and I had the means to stop this?  I think I would kill, but I would also prepare for death.

PRAYER:  As I wrestle with darkness, stay close to me.

Monday 11 April 2022

Pillar Tuesday - Lent 36


Christ at the column by Caravaggio
Musee des Beaux-Arts de Rouen
‘Wisdom’ has prepared a great banquet.
From within her splendid mansion she invites the simple and meek.
Come and join me, eat and drink.
I have only the best here.
Join me and experience life to the full.
Don’t bother correcting the mocker- you will get hurt.
But the wise value correction. They have their ears open.
The core of wisdom is to honour your creator.
Wisdom will bless you. That is its gift.
The paradox of folly is it cannot see itself.
It does not realise that its ways are lies.
The all lead to dead ends.  Proverbs Nine

Proverbs Nine enigmatically speaks of the 'Seven Pillars of Wisdom'.  Throughout time people have conjectured as to what these might be.  TE Lawrence wrote a autographical book using the title.  I understand that originated from an unpublished book he wrote before the First World War about cities in Arabia.  After the war he decided to scrap the book, but keep the title.  For all who have lost work on a computer that inexplicably shuts down, TE Lawrence can sympathise.  He lost his first manuscript (with no back up) when rushing to change trains at Reading station.  Apparently a national plea went out to help the great war hero find it, but these were the days when every house had an open fire that needed lighting.

Nacey Sari, in her 2020 book of the same title describes the pillars as 
  • fear of the Lord, (the beginning of wisdom).
  • instruction, 
  • knowledge, 
  • understanding, 
  • discretion, 
  • counsel, and 
  • reproof
For each of us, I guess we work out what this means, both as individuals, and as communities.
For me 'fear of the Lord' is knowing God's presence with us, seeing all, and us choosing to honour this fact.

PRAYER:  May I live knowing you are with me, and me enjoying this fact.

Sunday 10 April 2022

Muddy Monday - Lent 35


Origins of Mud by Zan Dykes
on fineartamerica.com
To the choirmaster. 
A Psalm of David. I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure.     Psalm 40:1-2
We, as children of God, so often slip in the mud, falling flat on our faces, shocked, smelly and ugly.  And our Father is near by, full of concern, kindness and patience.  We are pull out of the mud.  Our face it tenderly wiped clean.  We smile, and grip tightly to the strong hand placed in ours.  "Avoid that slough", we are warned, but no doubt we will return to the stench.

PRAYER:  Thank you for being so good to me.  I do want to keep myself clean.

Friday 8 April 2022

Barnacle Saturday - Lent 34

Barnacle Geese - frosty Morning
by Dafila Scott- Mall Galleries
Being surrounded by those with the same vision,
I’m spurred on to lighten my load of anything that would hold me back.
I am running this endurance race with my eyes firmly fixed on Jesus, confident that we will finish in style.  Hebrews 12

I thank Sherri Seligson for thoughts on Barnacles.  The bane  of the sailor.  Even the Queen Mary needs a scrub.  But the nautical and sporting references point to the obvious practical truth that 'why not' make life easier and smoother by discarding all that holds me back? The racing cyclist will remove and throw their piton (or water bottle) into the crowd as they head towards the final straight.

PRAYER:  Show me what is not necessary for this journey and I will throw it aside.

Thursday 7 April 2022

Wheelchair Friday - Lent 33


Ezekiel's Vision

On the 31st of July in thirteenth year of our exile, I was down by the Khabur River, and I experienced an incredible sight. I saw a vision from the Creator; I felt the power of the Creator take hold of me.  A huge storm cloud filled the sky, coming in fury down from the north. Lightening and fire raged within the cloud. At the centre of the storm I could see four strange creatures. They had wings, and  extraordinary faces. The light coming from them was like flames of fire. These beings moved freely, and at will. They were aided by an intricate system of wheels.  The wheels frightened me. They appeared to be alive, with all seeing eyes.  Above the storm was a glittering blue sky. As the strange beings drew close, the roaring of their wings ceased. 

A voice spoke from high above.

A great chair, a throne, appeared, brilliant blue, as lapis lazuli. And on the throne was a man, flaming with light like the sun. This was the glory of the Creator, I fell to the ground as if dead.

Ezekiel Chapter One

The power  of the wheels!  That great liberator.  Most inventions come with insight and then the means of production.  This passage fills me with awe.  New and unexpected things can appear in my life.  Mundane predictability is rocked to its core.  Creativity and destruction both live in this world of the unexpected.

PRAYER:  May I expect your presence in my life and the unexpected joy, awe and excitement that comes with that.

Wednesday 6 April 2022

Thorns Thursday - Lent 32


Man of Sorrows, by Aelbrecht Bouts,
Fogg Art Museum, Harvard.

Is this powerful message believed?

Like a vulnerable shoot, the servant grew in the creator’s presence.

He was completely ordinary, not attractive.

His life was hard. He was despised and faced discrimination.

We assumed that he brought this all on himself.

But this was incorrect. He suffered because of his love for us.

His body was assaulted and beaten so that we could be whole.

We are all fickle like sheep, oblivious in our ignorance.

Even so he is blamed, and we go free.

Like a lamb, he was taken to the slaughter.

In the face of unjust condemnation he just kept silent.

A young life struck down, a criminal placed in a rich man’s grave.

This was to fulfil the plan of the creator.

His life, given up, repaying the wrongs of many.

And he will prosper, and his life will be long.

The anguish suffered is not in vain.

He bore the suffering due to others, and intercedes for the rebellious.

Isaiah 53

Why is nothing straightforward in the bible.  The books are full of paradox and oxymoron.  

The Crown of Thorns, The Servant King.  Almighty power, but not used in the way we imagine it should be used.  Very strange and perturbing.  

The Saint Paul, that great communicator, is taken from an obscure province in the Roman empire called Judah, and place at the very heart of things.  Place right at the epicentre, but not in a luxurious palace. No that would be too comfortable.  He is placed in chains in Caesar's gaol.  Perhaps even under the royal palace, who knows?

PRAYER:  I choose this strange life.  I will follow where you have lead.  Give me the strength to do so.

Tuesday 5 April 2022

Wizened Wednesday - Lent 31


Saint Jerome and the Lion, c.1509
Minneapolis Institute of Art
Anna the prophetess was also there, a daughter of Phanuel from the tribe of Asher. She was by now a very old woman. She had been married seven years and a widow for eighty-four. She never left the Temple area, worshiping night and day with her fastings and prayers. At the very time Simeon was praying, she showed up, broke into an anthem of praise to God, and talked about the child to all who were waiting expectantly for the freeing of Jerusalem.   
 Luke 2: 36-28

"Sad, wasted life, she never recovered from her loss."  That's what people said, but Anna was more alive to what what happening about them than almost anyone.  She knew Simeon, so she wasn't alone.  She had been given someone who understood why this encounter was so thrilling.  

PRAYER:  May I live so closely to you that I can see the miracles that surround me.

Monday 4 April 2022

Tiara Tuesday - Lent 30


Hortense Eugenie - Queen of Holland
Musee National De Chateau de Malmaison
But Mordecai persisted. 
“Surely if you do not say something, our people will be delivered by some other means.
You are likely to be safe in your palace, but I will not be. Consider, perhaps you were made Queen for
such a time as this?” 
So Esther replied. 
“Go and summons the faithful people to call on the Creator,
and abstain from food. I and my household will do the same. Then I will see the King, and if this
means death, well, so bit it.”  Esther Chapter 4

Some people's lives eh? Hortense de Beauharnais was the daughter of Vicomte of Beauharnais and Josephine, future wife of Napoleon Bonaparte.  Her father was beheaded during the Terror, and her mother narrowly escaped death, due to the intervention of another 'edge liver', Therese Tallien.  

Hortense was persuaded by Napoleon to marry his brother and become the 'Queen of Holland'.  Hortense thought this grand, so long as she could rule from Paris.  This was not felt to be possible.   

The Marriage was a disaster, though not without issue.  Hortense became the mother of the future Napoleon III, an elected French leader, who latter became a dictator, until the Franco-Prussian War disaster put an end to all this pomp, and he came to live in St James Square, London.   

Hortense died aged 41, and did not see her sons phenomenal rise to power.  Her life and Esther are interesting to compare.

PRAYER:  I also live a privileged life, and have a choice of who to serve.  I choose to serve you.

Sunday 3 April 2022

Donkey Monday - Lent 29

From the Nuremberg Chronicles 1493

  “What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?”  
 “Am I not your own donkey, which you have always ridden, to this day? Have I been in the habit of doing this to you?”  Numbers 22:21

It's not good when we take for granted those good and faithful people (and donkeys) who do nothing wrong.  The way Pip treats Joe in Great Expectations is an example.  Balaam was quick to forget that his donkey was his best friend.  Sometimes we can forget the enormity and wonder of  being a friend of the one who was there at the beginning of time, and knows how the story continues, and how it will end.

PRAYER:  Every day I honour our commitment, and follow your guidance.

Friday 1 April 2022

Saturn Saturday - Lent 28


Saturn by Osnat Tazdok 
on osnatfineart.com

Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.  Galatians 6:8

Saturn, the Roman god of peace, calm and comfort.  Ah but this comes with a dark side.  It's peace with placation.  In Saturnalia the gladiators fight for ten days.  What you sow, you reap.  The soil is rich with blood.  Is this the peace we currently enjoy?  Fertile, but tainted?

PRAYER:  Show me the way to true peace.

Saturnalia is considered to be the Roman festival that was converted into Christmas. The story continues to be peace emanating from blood, but now it's God that is sacrificed, not man.