Born in a stable, loving environment,
'Unplanned' you say, but to you, ‘heaven sent’.
Your partner’s around, you've just ‘tied the knot’,
Unemployed carpenter, he’s just finishing a cot.
Did your family react well when they first heard the news?
What about bonding with baby, did you have the ‘baby blues’?
Any stressful experiences? Was your pregnancy fine?
Did you get enough bread? Did you stay off the wine?
No health checks? That’s curious, I note the birth was expected,
After this census, things will improve when the system’s up-dated.
What are your plans at the moment? You’re not feeling secure.
Yes we can help with travel permits out of the authority of Judea.
Andrew Starr (Social Worker)
An now the Poem again, with a little help from Uncle James
Born in a stable and loving environment,
'Unplanned' you say, but to you, ‘heaven sent’.
Your partner’s around, you've just ‘tied the knot’,
Unemployed carpenter, making a cot.
Was your family pleased when they first heard the news?
What about bonding with baby, did you have ‘baby blues’?
Did you suffer much stress? Was your pregnancy fine?
Did you get enough bread? Did you stay off the wine?
No health checks? How strange - the birth was expected.
But the census will get the system perfected.
Have you plans at the moment? You’re not feeling secure?
We can help with your permits to get out of Judea.

An now the Poem again, with a little help from Uncle James
Born in a stable and loving environment,
'Unplanned' you say, but to you, ‘heaven sent’.
Your partner’s around, you've just ‘tied the knot’,
Unemployed carpenter, making a cot.
Was your family pleased when they first heard the news?
What about bonding with baby, did you have ‘baby blues’?
Did you suffer much stress? Was your pregnancy fine?
Did you get enough bread? Did you stay off the wine?
No health checks? How strange - the birth was expected.
But the census will get the system perfected.
Have you plans at the moment? You’re not feeling secure?
We can help with your permits to get out of Judea.
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