Sunday 9 June 2019

Quantum Mechanics and Ornithology

My thoughts originate from a meeting with an exceptional nine year old boy from Coalville.

We met to discuss how he is able to control overwhelming feelings of panic.  I asked him what he wanted to work on first.  He said "can you help me with 'climate change and brexit' first? 

He also introduced into our conversation his understanding of the 'normal distribution curve', and 'Schrodinger's Cat'. 

So I've been thinking about Schrodinger's Cat

This is the cat that is in two opposite states at the same time.  How can something be left and right at the same time? Dead and Alive?

Here are some other examples.

The Blackbird- It can be Brown and Black at the same time. (joined closely by the Blackcap.)

What about the 'Peacock'.  Here is a bird who is divided by it's gender.  What is the family name of the Peacock?  I guess it might be Mr and Mrs Pea cock-hen (or Mrs and Mr Pea Hen-Cock.).  Perhaps this is the origin of the name Hancock?

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