Saturday 27 July 2019

My Quiz

1) Which country does not have a commercial ski resort?

   a) Portugal, b) Algeria, c) Cyprus, d) Greece, e) Iran, f) Kenya, g) Morocco, h) Lesotho, i) Mexico. 

2) Which of these countries has a modern colonial history?

 a) Eire, b) Czechia,  c)Slovakia,  d) Austria, e) Greece, f) Poland.

3) Which of these countries does not have an exclave (territory that must be reached by traveling through a second county)?

 a) Denmark, b) Belgium, c) Netherlands, d) Germany, e) Italy, f) Austria,  g) Spain, h) USA

4) Which of these countries can you cross a national border and continue speaking the same language (near enough)?

a) Netherlands- Belgium, b) Portugal- Spain, c) Italy- Switzerland, d) Germany -France, e) Germany - Denmark, f) Germany - Poland.

5) Fit the flags to the categories:-
a) Flowers, b) Birds, c) Maps, d) Religion, e) Weapons, (some have two or more categories)

India, Iran, Uganda, Mozambique, Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan, Hong Kong, Kosovo, Cyprus, Mexico, Georgia.

6) If you travel from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean via the Panama Canal, do you travel from East to West, or West to East?

1) f) Despite having plenty of snow all year round on Mount Kenya.
2) d) Austria occupied the Nicobar Islands and had a small enclave in Tianjin- China.  They attempted to gain a foothold in India, at Bankipur.  Poland had an empire once, and was involved in the Crimea briefly, but that does not count.
3) a) The border with Germany has drifted up and down the neck of Denmark through history.  Many Germans have very Danish sounding names around Bremerhaven, but they don't speak Danish. Belgium and Netherlands has a very strange border, similar in design to India Bangladesh.  Germany has land in Switzerland.  Italy has to exclaves in Switzerland.  Austria has land on one side of a mountain that can only be reached via a long drive though Germany.  Spain has Llívia, a bureaucratic anomaly,  USA has Alaska.
4) e) Germany- Denmark.  Very different languages, and no Euro compatibility.  Galician is very similar to Portuguese.  Alsace is famously (infamously) frengdeutch.  Germany- Poland, well not any more, though Poles are excellent linguists.  
5) a) Iran (tulip), Hong Kong. b) Uganda, Mexico. c) Kosovo, Cyprus. d) Saudi Arabia, India, Iran, Georgia (with 5 crosses). e) Mozambique, Saudi Arabia.  Not to forget 'republican' tricolors such as France, Chad, Eire and Italy.  Mexico adopted the Italian flag before Italy did.  That is why the eagle catching a rattlesnake is important.  
6) The Panama canal was constructed though a toilet 'U' bend.  The route travels east to west.  It's a long journey.  

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