Sunday 19 January 2020

Thoughts on Significance and Idolatry

William James - American Psychologist (indeed the father of western Psychology?)

As quoted in Dale Carnegie's 'best seller' How to make friends and influence people..'

“Compared with what we ought to be, we are only half awake… We are making use of only a small part of our possible mental and physical resources.” 

My Quotes

Most quotes are like pots and pans- of different sizes, materials and styles, but essentially all the same, recreated for a new age. (This quote is different.  It is a bunch of flowers)

Most people are paid to produce jigsaw pieces, and are judged on how well they fit.
The artist produces jigsaw pieces that don't fit.
Carnegie reports that the greatest human desire of all is to have 'significance'.

John Powell in 'Unconditional Love' (1978), gives 'three plus one' motivations for existence.

To Freud is attributed sex.  - based on the biological urge to reproduce.
To Adler is Power - preservation, dominance and control.
To Skinner is avoidance - 'getting by, surviving, avoiding'.

Powell argues for an alternative motivation provided by faith (with particular reference to Jesus).  He notes this life principle is diametrically opposed to these first three.  He defines a life principle of 'unconditional love'. 

From Carnegie's perspective, psychological measurements are principally made on normative, or average experience.  As Powell concedes, there is likely to be truth in most things.

I was very struck by the reply I received when discussing the recent death of a colleague's uncle.  My colleague explained that as a Muslim, his uncle was buried rapidly over the weekend.  The Leicester cemetery was ready for such eventualities and the process went smoothly.  My colleague told me about his uncles life, an lawyer in apartheid era South Africa. I asked if I could read his obituary.  My colleague informed me that within his family tradition such I thing does not exist.  The greatness of the human is not to be lauded.  Only God is to be honoured.  He made me think.

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