Sunday 23 October 2022

Three Muses - The beginning

In the beginning there was nothing.

In the ‘West’ we are pretty much agreed on that.

But ‘nothing’ is unstable.

The bits of nothing reach out and pull on the other bits.

Soon, in the gathering momentum, clusters appear.  The closer they are drawn, the faster they pull, until in a sudden rush, they collide.  The collision creates heat and light and an almighty explosion. 

With this comes energy and life. 

The world begins to swirl round and round at breakneck speed.  This continues with a powerful momentum.  God has shaken the dice and let them spin.


Clumps can be gentle.  Look up and see the clouds.  Far off planets feel the pull, and here on earth people form communities.

The attraction is a force.  For the physical, this is gravity.  I am pulled toward the earth, but in the same way, the earth is pulled towards me.  Our forces are in proportion to our mass, so the earth wins.

It's like this with a lot of things.  Minorities know it well.  The pull of the majority far exceeds that of the minority.  The minority is able to have a slight pull on the majority, but on the whole, the minority also gets swallowed up.  In Leicester curries taste more fiery, but soon Gujrati will become a rarity.

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