Sunday 20 March 2016

He lives

It's truly a great relief! Our pack is alive again.  For two days now I've been concerned that ‘the past’ had come back to haunt us.  I’d seen groups of dogs back scavenging at the rubbish tip.  At least one of us has been involved in a scuffle and come off worse for wear.

I think we had forgotten what it was like before Jaycie came and formed the pack.  Strange how that rag-tag collection of mutts, mongrels and pedigrees jelled together under a bit of leadership.  

In contrast to the other packs in our territory, Jaycie’s was different.  There was no submissive hierarchy needed, but we all pulled our weight near enough.  Gone was the indignity for some of having to steel scraps, and beg.  For others it was the opposite, as the pack meant giving up ‘lap of luxury' lifestyles.  Jaycie taught us we did not need to snarl and bite.  Other packs were wary of this, and that was probably what lead to the tragedy.  The other packs just couldn't make us out.  They became increasingly hostile. 

The final attack was terrible.  They came down on him with deathly snarls.  He didn't put up a fight at all despite being quite a big dog.  It wasn't long before we smelt the stench of blood.  He didn't stand a chance and was torn limb-from-limb.  We saw it all from a safe distance, whimpering and hiding in the bushes.  The pack fell to bits after that.

Then Macie, you know? the pretty little bitch collie; she said she’d met Jaycie.  Of course I thought her delusional, but I must say, this morning at daybreak, I did hear a very distinctive soft howl on the breeze.  It lifted my spirits, and I felt instantly warm.  The other dog have all picked up on this too.  They say they can smell him in the wind.  The pack’s been seeking each other out all day, and I think other packs have noticed.  They seem more frightened and cautious of us. 

I get the sense something significant has happened – Jaycie’s pack is forming again.

My Sunday school class notes for today said Tell the story of Jesus death...To under 5's!!!  This is how I told it.

1 comment:

  1. Wow I love this, I'm thinking I might borrow this and use it for my under 5 group too! What an original idea, just extraordinary!
