Monday 1 April 2019

8) From My Side - funny that (d)

An experienced night nurse gave Elizabeth a hand with washing.  She remarked what a nice bum Elizabeth has.  Elizabeth said "It's because I haven't had children."  After a pause, the night nurse replied, "I don't think having children affects your bum...just every other part of your body."

V, one of Elizabeth's compatriot on the ward had to go for a brief spell to the LRI because she was unwell.  When she came back, rather confused, she got out her mobile at 1:30 am, and on speakerphone, called her husband.  " I'm not quite sure where they have taken me.  I seem to be in a basement."  Not often you get waken in the night with such thoughts.

Elizabeth was beginning to stand, with her army of physios around her, keeping her safe.  As she was standing her left leg began to wobble.  She fell a warm hairy thing between her knee.  "R", she said, "Is that your head?"  R coolly said "no Elizabeth, if that was my head I think I might loose my job." (It was his knee.)

Elizabeth told us that the nurses at the Leicester General have an intense dislike for the Royal Infirmary.  They see it as tense and chaotic.  Elizabeth once told us that she had a nightmare where she was sent to the Royal for being naughty.

At Elizabeth's family meeting in Barclay House it was noted that Elizabeth contacted a taxi company to ask they the price of a trip to the university.  She was complemented for taking on this vocal challenge, but would not accept the praise says that taxi companies are very good at deciphering 'drunken' voices.  It was no big deal.

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