Saturday 15 June 2024

Ministry of Defence


It appears to be a sad fact that war is a reality in human existence.  Animals also fight, especially the males.  What can be done to minimise the chance of war, but also uphold justice and freedom? War now runs the risk of escalation into complete annihilation.  Brazil is a country that has a massive country, but its army is designed to be entirely defensive.  Current military challenges to Britain are:- 

  • The use and risk of proxy wars (these are wars that could not take place without outside support). 
  • The encroachment of 'hostile forces' into British airspace and territorial water.  
  • The use of cyber attacks and threatening rhetoric (precursors to war.)
  • Threats to allies, and commonwealth countries such as Guyana.

the ethics of 'proxy war' is very complex.  It appears that some wars may be happening for more than the headline title.   The fire is kept burning in order to create a stalemate which is actually the unsaid and obnoxious war aim. This creates slow torture for decades, and fuels instability and creates the need for migration.  The vulnerable are the innocent victims.

This government will take the long view, and argue for a pragmatic position involving 'strong' international consensus.  The aim is to defend human rights, and the rights of the innocent parties. This is not an appeasement position.  It upholds the concept that political solutions will need to be negotiated by the people affected, and exploitation and discrimination will be opposed by the majority of the membership of these international communities.  The value of weapons must he undermined at all times. The voice of peacemakers will be elevated through support given by the community of non belligerent nations, much as the power of the bully is largely provided by the crowd. 

No state is pure and innocent, even though its national consciousness likes to present this.  I is hoped that collectives can moderate the evil in each other, by making sure that evil remains a taboo.


Britain would not renew trident.  This is a weapon that is controlled by our ally USA.  Nuclear submarines are now detectable even in the deep ocean.  The security it offers is psychological. 

I am reminded of the CND cartoon of two boys in a cellar, up to their ankles in petrol.  One says to the other, “I am more powerful than you.  I have three matches and you only have one.”

This government would work with NATO to reduce and eventually remove the UK nuclear deterrent, using this as a bargaining chip to strengthen international communication and protocols and defence mechanisms. 

At no point would this be linked to a softening of resolve to defend the country, and defence spending will focus on defence. 

The principles of this change in defence policy mirror the idea that violence in parenting is not necessary or healthy.  Other ways of managing children are better, but they often have to be learnt.  Most people will learn them from their kind and loving parents.  In a similar way, this government is saying let us find more positive ways to control the evil intentions that riddle this world. The solution will not come from any one nation, but come from a combined effort, and always remain vigilant, just as anti-racism and sexism remains vulnerable to this day, and requires constant focus. 

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