Friday 27 April 2012

My Aphorisms

  • Negatives shout; positives whisper.
  • You don’t need two eyes to see; one will do perfectly well, but it's likely to get tired.
  • ‘Painful’ but ‘possible’.
  • Shame, helplessness, anger, disappointment, guilt; all reactions easily evoked from parents. But they are 'dry bread' in terms of sustenance.  Pride, affection, joy and delight , though infinitely more 'nutritious', are unpredictable and dependent, requiring trust.  Sometimes dry bread is enough.
  • Don't decorate if you can smell fire. 
  • When services are being cut, often the first thing that goes is creativity.
  • Surf where the wave is.
  • Social Workers are like pets; you get to know them, and then they 'die' for no apparent reason.
  • The theory of one.  You need one good parent, one good friend, and to know that you are competent at just one thing.  After that, everything is a bonus.
  • What we do today is very likely what we do tomorrow.
  • Reward the behaviour you want: try not to reward the behaviour you don't want.
  • Personality is neutral.  It's neither good nor bad.  It's what you are given, and the key is what you do with it.  
  • When you try to put a fire out, you are presented with two glasses, one full of water, the other petrol.  They look the same and the challenge is to choose water.  
  • Security mainly inconveniences the innocent.
  • There is a fine line between faith and superstition.
  • There are two places for everything in a marriage.

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