Friday 13 April 2012

On Power

We went to Stratford on Wednesday and saw the Tempest. Here are some of my thoughts arising from the play.

In The Tempest
Current day example
The Coup
Prospero is ‘over-throne’ by his brother. 

Any British general election; one set of megalomaniacs is replaced by another.
The Island Domain
Prospero is Lord over his rock in the ocean.

Any child who stamps on ants.
Falling in Love
Ferdinand becomes a slave to Prospero for the love of Miranda.  Miranda learns that she holds power over Ferdinand, but it is equal to the powerlessness she also feels.

Equality of true love; all powerful, but yet completely helpless.  The state of interdependent love.
Misplaced devotion
Calaban places his trust in Stephano, the king’s drunken butler.

Anyone who voted for the Liberal Democrats at the last election will know this feeling.
Power of influence
Prospero relinquishes absolute power, for power based on trust and influence.  We see his anxiety as he throws away his prop.

Good parents hold power over their children through little more than influence.

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