Sunday 29 April 2012

Thoughts on a long period of time

What do you think?  The caves of Chauvet in southern Frances contain painting dated at 30,000 years old.
Human existence is measured in tens of thousands of years.  Evidence of human existence is even found under the North Sea, suggesting that this was once dry land.

The Judeo-Christian era is measured as about 5000 years.  This indicates that the theology of a loving, personal creator, and saviour, as we know it, has only been around for a 1/6th to a 1/10th of human existence.  What are the estimates of the current population who are able to access information about Christ, and the concept of salvation?  Perhaps 2/3 of the world?  Never has information been so easily assessable as it is today, but in the past, this was not so.

For me this puts an interesting perspective on the significance of the story of the crucifixion, and it's place for all humanity.  This is not to say that the crucifixion does not have a central significance to me.  I wonder if it is analogous to the recent incredible discoveries of brain development and function.  Understanding some of mechanisms that makes the brain works is illuminating.  However it is not essential. Understanding the mechanism by which I am able to have a secure relationship with my creator is likewise, fantastic, but perhaps not essential.

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