Saturday 27 August 2022

MARK - My Words (7)


Jesus could see that he and his friends were becoming exhausted.  They set out across the lake in a boat.  But the people could see where they were going, and followed on land round the lake.  As the boat pulled into shore, there were the people to greet them.  Jesus had compassion because he could see how lost they were.  The friends were alarmed.  “Look these people are going to suffer, they have no food and it’s getting late.  Send them to the local farms to buy food” they suggested.  Jesus replied “I want you to feed them.” 

“With what” they exclaimed, “we’ve checked what’s been brought and it’s the sum-total of five loaves and bread and two fish.” 

“That will do” said Jesus, “getting the people settled in small groups and come and help.”  With that, Jesus looked up to heaven and said a blessing.  He then began breaking up the loaves and pieces of fish.  The meagre offering kept providing; multiplying.  More and more food was distributed from Jesus’ hands.  The friends carried baskets of bread and fish round the seated encampments.  When everyone had eaten enough, there were still twelve baskets of leftovers.  Over 5000 families were fed that evening. 

Jesus insisted that he would send the people back home, and his friends were to head off in their boat.  Jesus intended to get some rest alone in the hills.  In the middle of the night, Jesus knew that his friends were in trouble and that the boat was again shipping water.

It was about three in the morning when the friends saw a shape moving towards them amongst the ferocious waves.  Naturally they were terrified, thinking that it was an apparition.  Jesus called out saying “it’s just me, don’t be afraid.  Give me a hand to climb in the boat.”  The sea calmed and the wind subsided.  Jesus’ friends were in a stat of shock.  They had not yet worked out what the breaking of bread meant.

Sure enough, as the boat came into Gennesaret, local people saw Jesus and again come to him with all manner of needs.  And Jesus’ presence with them continued to bring restoration in every way.

As the gas that was destined for Germany is being burnt off at the head of a Russian pipeline, I think of all the young people round the world feeling helpless and depressed.  They see our world sliding closer to oblivion and hell.  

"Save the World!"

Jesus friends felt that sense of 'it can't be done'.  Jesus says "give it a go....  Ok, I'll show you."

He takes what we have (which is fine, but not much) and puts the 'power of the creator of the universe' into it.  

So I find myself at the edge of this great mass of people, sitting in family groups.  I receive the bread.  I need it. I'm starving, and I did bring anything myself.  This bread and fish will sustain me.

Does one person bring life to the whole world?  That's quite a big claim.  All I know is that I am a part of this crowd of 5000, and I'm not turning down this food.

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