Monday 29 August 2022

MARK- My Words (8)


One day some self-righteous leaders challenged Jesus about his friends’ lax habits.  Jesus derided their attitudes.  “Remember what Isaiah 29:13 says? With their voice they honour me, but in their hearts they are far away.  They speak with the voice of God, but their words are entirely their own.”

"You skilfully manipulate ethics.  The law says ‘honour your mother and your father’, but you say no need to care for them if you give your wealth to the leaders.  You have distorted what is right to fit your own selfish needs."

Jesus then turned to the people. “It’s not the food you put in your body that upsets your Creator, it’s what you harbour in your hearts.”

Jesus accepted an invitation to enter someone’s house.  He needed some rest.  His friends remained confused.  “What is it you are saying about food?”  Jesus said “It’s obvious, food is just a ‘thing’ that passes through your body.  What is in your heart, mind and desires is of infinitely greater significance, for this can lead to terrible wickedness. This is what destroys you.”

Jesus went north to the town of Tyre.  He tried to stay secretly with a friend, but he was noticed, and a woman came to him to plead for her sick daughter.  Jesus could see that she was from a different religion and remarked that they were not supposed to mix.  “Ah said the woman, but we can’t help bumping into each other in this small world.  “Good response” said Jesus, “your openness to what the Creator can do has set your daughter free.  Go home and find her well.”

Jesus continued his journey up to Sidon, and then over to Galilee.  A deaf man with a speech impediment was brought to him and the people begged Jesus to do something.  Jesus took the man away on his own and put his finger into the man’s ears.  He then spat on his finger and touched the man’s tongue.  Jesus looked up to heaven and sighed, saying ‘ephphatha’, which means, ‘be open’.  At once the man could hear perfectly and could speak in a clear voice.  Jesus asked the people to not talk about this experience, but they could not help themselves.  “This man is wonderful”, they said.  “Even the deaf can now hear, and he restores speech to those who cannot speak.”

Three different events-

1)  It's the mind/body thing.  desires affect thoughts.  Thoughts affect action.  Surely this all interacts?  

Certainly says Jesus, but the intention is key.  Where the intention is good, the thoughts, action and priorities all flow naturally.  With appropriate intentions, there is no need to consider the consequence, because it will be Godly. 

2) The women who finds Jesus can see that he is for her, not just for his people.  Let us not make Jesus 'just for our people', because we won't get anywhere if we do.

3) Jesus does practical things (it's a mind/body thing).  The result to hearing.  The people can't help themselves but speak the word of the prophet Isaiah.  "Even the deaf can now hear, and he restores speech to the silent." These words were to help John and John's friends understand that Jesus was 'the one'.  If the people hadn't said this, perhaps the very stones themselves would have had to speak it out.

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