Saturday 10 September 2022

MARK - My Words (18)


One day, as Jesus and his friends were leaving the temple in Jerusalem, his friends remarked what an impressive structure it was.  ”I agree” noted Jesus, “but believe it or not, this edifice will be completely demolished.  Not one stone will be left touching another.”

Later they were sitting in the Mount of Olives, overlooking the Temple.  Peter, James, John and Andrew came to Jesus and seriously asked, “when will the destruction happen? Tell us more.”

“Look” replied Jesus, “many people will come pretending to have the Creator’s authority.  You will hear frequent portents of doom.  Stay calm.  The world will be consumed by war.  Earthquakes will wreak devastation.  Famines will lay counties waste.  These are the ‘birth pangs’ of a new creation.  At this time, the injuries to you my friends, will will be great.  You will be taken to false trials.  When that happens, speak the truth to them.  Your message will prevail, and it will never be quenched.  Remember, when you are arrested, don’t panic, because you are not alone.  You will know exactly what to say, and how to be.  The Spirit of the Creator is in you.”

“Families will tear themselves apart.  You will be hated solely because you love me.  The day will come when the Creator’s place will be taken by another.  (This relates to all who read this now!)

People will flee into the hills.  Those at home should not even bother to pack.  Don’t return even for a coat.  I worry for those about to give birth.  The terror ahead will make all in the past as nothing.  In fact without the Creator’s intervention, humanity could easily destroy itself completely. 

“Be cynical about anyone who professes to be a leader.  There will be people who seem to know what they are doing, and have great power, but this is only power to deceive.  Remember this warning!”

“As Isaiah foretold, in those days the sun will darken, and the moon give up it’s light.  Stars will fall from the sky.  And the certainties of the universe will be shaken.”

“Then the Creator will return, in the form of a person.  Messengers will be sent to the four corners of the globe to call on all who are chosen.”

“Learn a lesson from nature.  When you see leaves and buds develop you know summer is on the way.  In the same way, see and read the signs.  There will be people here who will be present when these things come to pass.”

“The earth and heavens will come to an end, but the truth of this message is for all time.”

“Absolutely no one knows when these things will happen.  It is all in the hands of the Creator.”

“Stay alert! Be on your guard!”

“It’s like when a rich man leaves for a long journey.  He tells his staff to be ready for his return.  When he returns he wants his household to be receive him.  He wants to be greeted at the door.”

“No one wants to be caught on the hop when the great man returns!”

Throughout history, things that looked like they might be permanent have come to an end.  The massive stones of the beautiful temple.  But what about the Roman empire itself?  What are the permanent things in my life?  

Jesus is telling us to stay alert.  This is a state of living, rather than being in a state of permanent stress.  It's how schools should be as they wait for the next unannounced OSTED inspection.  

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