Thursday 10 May 2012

Obama's Dilema

Yesterday President Obama was forced to tell the truth.  It may cost him his next term as President.

The issue;  he was asked whether he supported the idea of homosexual people committing themselves to each other for life in the form of marriage.

Mitt Romney said that he thought that marriage was for a man and a woman.  This was a popular sentiment for many Christian and Muslim Americans.

Although this issue may have little impact on the vast majority of Americans, bearing little relevance to jobs, health policy and war, it acts as a defining core belief that is likely to polarise American society.

"How can Christian's support homosexual people committing themselves to each other for life?  Is this not in direct contradiction to biblical teaching, and may undermine the importance of marriage as the foundation stone of society?  What will be next, an endorsement of polygamy?"

My view is that it is very important that this does not become a defining difference between believers and non-believers, between the Right and the Left, between the past and the future.  There are far more import issues for Christians to call 'defining'.  The most important to me is social justice, and world poverty.

I believe that homosexual relationships are a fact.  Many people live in 'innocent' loving relationships, and their morality is a matter of how they live before God, just as it is for me with my wife.  Their ethical context is clearly different from polygamy in that we are talking about relationships based on equality.  I do not feel convicted to pronounce judgement, and I support relationships that are honest and true.

I will be greatly saddened  if President Obama looses an election because of his courage and honesty.  This surely is the Achilles heel of democracy.

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