Wednesday 8 April 2020

Romans Two

Chapter Two

Now be careful.  When I point out other peoples wickedness I know I include myself.
If one person's wickedness is a mountain, and the others a molehill, from the perspective of the Creator, who holds the earth like a marble on their hand, all bumps and blemishes look the same.
Our creator is just, and does not overlook error, but our creator is also kind, tolerant and patient, just like a good parent.

Let us not take the creator's generosity for granted.
It does not mean that wickedness is overlooked.
So live for truth, do good and love others,
and you will be walking towards never ending life.

This gift begins with Jesus' community, and is then for all people.
No favouritism!

Some have the privilege of being informed about the nature of the Creator and righteousness.
They will be judged accordingly.
Other will have no contact with such things, but righteousness is still expected,
because it is written in their hearts, and they will be judged accordingly.

My message is to remind you that how you act matters,
and you are accountable to your creator.

Don't rely on your culture and traditions to make you good.
Without the light of life you and your followers are groping around in the darkness.

Lead by your actions:  words are secondary.
Hypocrites infect others, resulting in others not to take their creator seriously.

There are physical actions however that mean nothing if there is nothing of meaning in the heart.

A couple are not married because they have a piece of paper to hold up.
It's their attitude, honour of each other and love at the core of their bond.
In the same way, if I firstly seek praise and honour from my creator,
before everything else, I am a true believer.

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