Saturday 11 April 2020

Romans Eight

So now we are not chewed up with guilt,
Because we live with the life-giving presence of Jesus,
Who is the opposite of wickedness and death.
If it were just a matter of obeying the rules we would all fail.
But the creator changed the rules by allowing our failure to be heaped on Jesus.
This was done because the rules of justice do matter,
Everyone who clings to the defence of Jesus will experience life.
There is a fork in the road: to be ruled by selfishness, or to be ruled by the spirit of the creator.
One leads to isolation, rebellion and death, the other to unity, joy and life.
To be led by the spirit of the creator is to become part of a royal family.
You are invited to greet you creator as a parent,
And become heirs of a great kingdom.
With it you inherit all the joys and sorrows of family life.

We have discovered that we are on a journey,
And the suffering we experience now
Will be as nothing compared to its final conclusion.
The whole earth is in a process of rebirth.
The current pangs of pain are a prelude to the transformation to come.
This is the gift of hope put within us and gives us a sure foundation.
Hope is a wonderful thing to be treasured.
The gift of Jesus in us strengthens this hope and makes it real.
Hope gives us the awareness that all things work for good when we hold on tight to Jesus.
The creator lifts up all people to stand tall together,
Knowing their worth as one people.

If our creator is for us, who can possibly harm us?
We are completely sure of this, seeing what Jesus has done for us,
And how he restores and forgives us out of sheer love.
Can anything separate us from the presence and love of Jesus?
Suffering and persecution?
I am convinced that nothing can separate us from the creator's love.
Not death, or life,  Goodness or evil, fear for today, or worries about tomorrow,
not even all the powers of wickedness.
Absolutely nothing can separate us for the wonderful love of our creator expressed in Jesus.

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