Saturday 11 April 2020

Romans Seven

So dear friends,
We all know the constraints of law.
But the power of the law means nothing if someone dies.
Marriage is a bond for life. 
But if one of the pair dies, the bond is broken.
If a slave were to die, the owner is left with a lifeless corpse.
In the same way when we sacrifice our evil desires 
The law looses it's grip over us.
By sacrificing our desire to do evil
we create space for a harvest of gifts and goodness to grow.
We move from 'thou shall not', to 'thou shall'.

Now there is nothing wrong with laws; they have their place.
It is good to have things made clear.
But these same laws can cow you, and deaden your life.
Law is a good thing, but it also condemns us.

The problem is not the Law, it is what is in me; but inability to succeed.
I have created an internal struggle.
I have learnt that the power of evil is an addiction
that is greater than my will alone.
This is a recipe for misery,
But thanks to our creator, the answer is clear.
Thank you Jesus!
You break the hold of evil designs over me.

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