Tuesday 8 December 2020

Advent Nine


Francesco De Mura
National Trust- Basildon Park 

Jesus is known as a healer of the sick.  The story is brought up to date where a senior doctor has been asked to investigate what Jesus is up to and whether Jesus’ practices are deemed to be safe.  This is a copy of the report made on a recorded case.


Medical Report

I have been asked to investigate an unusual medical occurrence that has recently come to media attention.  Undoubtedly this is an incidence of a 'miracle', but the manner in which it occurred has raised significant concerns.

The accusation I am investigating is that the GMC code of conduct has been breached on a number of points.  The practitioner ‘J’ is believed to have no formal qualifications or licence to operate.  A number of highly dubious practices have been observed.  I have recorded my recommendations at the end of this report.

The condition of boy ‘H’. is well known.  He has a considerable package of care and lives with elderly parents.  The practitioner ‘J’ is not known in this area.  He is reported in some sources as a ‘quack’ who does not operate from a registered clinic.

Some of the doctors of the Trust, intrigued and concerned by ‘J’s practices, arranged to meet him.  They sent for the boy ‘H’, who has a number of health difficulties including congenital blindness.

It was put to ‘J’ that this was an impossible and heart-breaking case.  ‘H’ has had considerable medical intervention.  It is recorded that his condition is medically incurable. There has also been considerable concern for the wellbeing of ‘H’s parents.

It was known that ‘J’ has religious motives behind his actions.  It was suggested that this case offered proof that there is no created purpose in life, that if a personal creator chooses to allow such suffering, then this is compelling evidence that goodness does not exist.  ('The god who creates worms that live in babies’ eyes’ argument for a dispassionate non-personal creative force.)

‘J’ is recorded as defending his position by saying that it was never the creator's intention for families to suffer like ‘H’.  He conceded that it was a heart-breaking case, with no fault apportioned.  However, he noted, due to an amazing coincidence of timing, the creator would do something in this situation.  He stated that from the origin of life, this moment was destined, for these doctors, for ‘H’, his parents, and anyone else affected, to see the personal nature of the creator, and that suffering is not his intention.

I understand the meeting ended on a somewhat unsatisfactorily note, and ‘J’ was observed giving some specific instruction to ‘H’.

The next incident occurred when ‘H’ and his parents reporting to the Health Centre to have H's eyes medically examined.  He now had two fully functioning perfect eyes.  The Doctor who made the examination was forced to check that she had the correct records. She even made ‘H's parents come from the waiting room to prove his identity.   It is certain that a miracle took place.  By definition, miracles are rare, but they are noted in the medical record.


Now to consider the question of ‘J's fitness to practice.  We are not clear what procedure actually took place.  ‘H’ was not forthcoming.  His witness statement is short and given his intellectual ability, I do not think we can expect greater detail.  He states simply that in the past he had empty, sealed eye sockets, and now he has two eyes with green irises.  ‘H’ is an unreliable witness as to whether ‘J’ used professional, recognised practices.  His parents were warned that the use of unregistered physicians is illegal. Unfortunately, ‘H’ and his parents showed considerable aggression and were ejected from the practice, in line with Trust policy.  I do not believe we have any powers at our disposal at present to prevent this occurrence happening again.  I will table this as a point of order for our next executive meeting.

It is also a concern to note that it is understood that ‘H’ has joined ‘J’ in 'cult like' activities.

A local media source has quoted ‘J’ sardonically saying, “Now the bind can see and those with sight remain blind."

Jesus is set up and tested.  

Will his compassion put him at risk?

A fortuitous 'stitch-up' comes into view.  Jesus is put into a ‘chess move’ situation where every outcome brings a confrontation.  Jesus’ compassion for a man whose suffering was well known, and the distress experienced by his parents, always wins.  How does this apply to me?  It might be that I motivated to do things that risk upsetting others, such as befriending people who are disapproved of.  All things of value have a price.  Am I prepared to pay the price and do what I believe Jesus is encouraging me to do? 

PRAYER – Give me the courage to follow you, and risk by reputation.

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