Monday 30 March 2020


After a while things quietened down.

Seven of us, the fishing fraternity, decided to do something.
Money was getting tight, so we pushed out the boat.

That wasn't the only thing that was tight;
The fish didn't want to be caught.

At day break we were all for giving up.
There on the beach was a lone man.

He seemed friendly and asked how were doing.
"Nothing of interest here", we called back.

"Throw the nets over on the other side", he returned.
We could hear him clearly on the off-shore breeze.

We're pretty much experts, but 'nothing ventured, nothing gained'.
The nets immediately hit a shoal.  Latter I heard we had picked up 153 fish.

Now that was quite a miracle, and it got us thinking.
Must be Jesus on the shore. "I can't wait to see him" said Peter.
Typical Peter, he stripped off and was over board in a second.

By the time we'd got the nets in the boat, and made our way up onto the beach,
Jesus and Peter were by a small barbecue grilling fish.

We all sat in a circle, like we'd done so many times before.
Jesus looked up to heaven and asked for the creators blessing.
He then broke the fish into pieces and passed it to us.
We felt alive again.  Food, and his presence.
A prefect combination.

After we'd finished a wonderful thing happened.

Jesus met with Peter.
Peter had been beating himself up over his betrayals of Jesus. 
Jesus made it clear, repeating three times,
that he knew Peter's faith and love was rock solid.

Then he asked Peter to lead us in pastoring 'his' people,
the people he was now leaving.
This then was to be our future.

Of course Jesus said and did far more than I could tie down in these feeble words.

He even hinted to Peter that I might live for ever, until he returns again. 
Wow, that got everyone talking.
 I promise I'll tell you if it happens. 
Watch this space.

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