Sunday 28 March 2021

Lent Thirty Five "Get up and Walk"


'Despair' by Frank Holl - Southampton Art Gallery

The most common form of despair is not being who you are.    

 Soren Kierkegaard    

People whose early experience of life is uncertain and unsafe, even when they were not old enough to comprehend this, tend to have an insecurity hanging over them; like a floating anxiety.  To have an understand of context, history and destiny is a profound thing.  We think of animals just 'existing'.  But for us human beings, perhaps understanding these basic things frees us into existence.

Hebrews Chapter Six

It is getting rather tiring having to go over the basics time and again!

It is hardest for those who ‘know the truth’, and turn their back on it,

They know what the Creator wants. 

How can they come back when they openly reject this offer?


The natural processes of life mean that good things will happen. 

But there are also obstacles such as ‘rocks’, or ‘thorns’ that get in the way. 

The way to deal with these is to ‘uproot’ and ‘burn’.

I don’t mean to scare you. 

The Creator knows how long you have earnestly desire to get right with him.


Let us keep on loving each other and that will be the sign that we are succeeding.


An example of hope we all know is when our forefather Abraham was told that he would be the head of a great nation, despite being very old and having no children. 

The Creator gave him a promise that was also an oath that this would happen. 

The oath was something ‘certain’ that Abraham could hold on to.

In the same way we have been promised that we are safe in the Creator’s plan for the future.

PRAYER:  Thank you for telling me who I am, and why I live.


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