Friday 26 March 2021

Lent Thirty Four "Get up and Walk"


Die Jagd Nach Dem Gluck (Chasing After Happiness) 
By Edmund Youngerbauer. Smithsonian Museum

If merely ‘feeling good’ could decide, drunkenness would be the supremely valid human experience.  

William James, Varieties of Religious Experience, 1902.

It the past happiness was only the pursuit of  kings and emperors.  Now, like holidays, its for all of western society.  Perhaps happiness should be seen as a secondary gain.  I seek to love others as I care about myself, and I am given happiness, like a free gift.  I seek to honour my Creator, to care about the needs of those I live with, my neighbours, my distant neighbours in far off countries... and I receive happiness as a byproduct.  For some people this is extremely difficult, because they are feeling depressed.  Depression can turn the eye inward.  My a tiny bit of happiness is like striking a match in a dark room. Here are some of King Solomon thoughts.

Ecclesiastes Chapter Six

This is what I find so perplexing.

Some people experience great success.

They live notable lives and have many children.

But they die, and what have they achieved? 

Sometimes nothing of what they have done is noticed.


Others are born into poverty.

All they have to hold on to is wisdom.


Since we cannot get what we like, let us like what we can get.


About The Future

The Creator knows already every outcome,

Like an old much loved film.

Our lives are flickering shadows.

It’s not for us to know the outcome.

PRAYER:  I seek first to live in your world, and know that everything else is taken care of.

The great motif - "Die Jagd Nach Dem Gluck"

1866 Rudolf Friedrich August Henneberg - Alte Nationalgalerie - Berlin

Postcard- For sale on 

German anti Bolshevik Poster - Peace Palace Gallery, The Hague.

By Theo Zasche, Political Cartoonist 1924 - (for sale on ebay)

Original Sketch - Städel Museum, Frankfurt 

1930's Film Poster

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